In this article from the Maple Society autumn 2010 newsletter, Piotr Banaszczak of the Rogow Arboretum (Rogow, Poland) describes maples native to Europe. Maples of Europe Part I.
Opis klonu dwusłupkowego, Acer distylum, autorstwa Peter’a Gregory’ego (Polski) Opis klonu: Acer distylum This is the Polish version of Peter’s A. distylum profile, for English and French versions scroll further on this page.
Opis klonu cienkoszypułkowego, Acer capillipes, autorstwa Peter’a Gregory’ego (Polski) Opis klonu: Acer capillipes This is the Polish version of Peter’s A. capillipes profile, for English version scroll further down the page.
Limitations and Possibilities for Growing Native and Exotic Maples in Poland. By Jerzy W. Tumilowicz, Warsaw Agricultural University, Rogów Arboretum. This article, reintroduced from the 2002 International Maple Symposium Proceedings, will by of great use to all growing maples in the challenging colder climate zones. Prof. Tumilowicz tracks hardiness for 74 Acer species growing at Rogów […]
Opis klonu wełnistego Acer erianthum, autorstwa Peter’a Gregory’ego. Nowe polskie tłumaczenie wykonane przez M. Korbik na wyłączność the Maple Society OSI. Peter Gregory profiles Acer erianthum, the Woolly Flowered Maple. A new Polish translation exclusively for the Maple Society OSI, by M. Korbik.